Thursday, 8 December 2011

2 side of a story

I saw a photo in the paper this morning for the memorial of the Pearl Harbor happening.
Underneath it said: Because of what the Japanese did on Pearl Harbor it got the US dragged into the World War 2.
I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry? How can someone write that after so long time. Do they even know what the WW2 was?

After reading a lot of history, Japan and the US had their problems at the time and sure this was one major fact that lead to the start of the greater war in the Pacific area. However it wasn't like the US was all good...and Japan just attacked out of nowhere. As sadly many people in Western countries believes.

Anyway the history itself is sad, I'm not to say whose fault it all was.. however to write such statement in a daily newspaper would I say is INcorrect!

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