Saturday 3 March 2012


Yatta.. it's finally here, the single and the full PV for their latest song WILD AT HEART, title track of Matsujun's drama Lucky Seven.
I love the up-tempo, it was a long time ago they had this kind of up-tempo song as a single!! It makes me happy.
How can I love, is a slow song yet very nice ^^ Tsuite Oide reminds me of some mix with old songs... so it was surprise, it has some mixes with same kind of music as Wild at Heart! Then finally Futari no Katachi, lots of pop and remix but nice.
They have taken a new turn with the style of music, but all songs make me happy inside!!!


01. ワイルドアットハート (Wild at heart)
02. How Can I Love
03. ついておいで (Tsuite Oide)
04. ふたりのカタチ (Futari no Katachi)
05. ワイルド アット ハート (オリジナル・カラオケ) (Wild at Heart (original karaoke))
06. ついておいで (オリジナル・カラオケ) (Tsuite Oide (original karaoke)
07. ふたりのカタチ (オリジナル・カラオケ) (Futari no Katachi (original karaoke)

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