Saturday, 4 August 2012

Hello Kitty soda

Today I went to get 3 pair of shoes fixed and on my way home I went to a special supermarket I usually visit when going to that area....
and guess what I found ^^ HELLO KITTY soda, official ones from Sanrio ^^
I haven't tried them yet but will tonight...

Spinning eyes = Päron soda (pear soda)
Joy = Hallon soda (Rasberry soda)


  1. Omg, I love these! What shop did you get them in? What flavors are they in?

    I live in copenhagen so perhaps we get them somewhere around here too.

  2. Omg, I love these! In what shop did you get them and what flavors are there?

    I live in copenhagen so hopefully I can get them here too!

  3. I got them at a local supermarket ^^ they come in rasberry (joy/fun) and pear (spinning eyes).
    Yeah, u might be able to find them in cph, otherwise try Malmö XD after all the text on the back was in Swedish so I guess they got some deal with Sanrio ^^

  4. So cute, can you only get it in Sweden??

  5. I just came back from a short trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, and found them there, however they cost 3 times as much as in Sweden!!! so I guess u can find them in other countries too ^^

    Anyway... Jeni FYI.. I found it in the "american candy store" on Strøget!
