Wednesday 6 March 2013

My JE fandom...

I tried to clean my room, I kinda failed, I have too many things.
But while trying to clean I found lots of "lost" JE items.
It sorta brought back lots of memories, I have collected lots to JE items, and I have also sold off lots of items!!

As many might have noticed, I'm still an avid fan of Arashi!

But, when I was younger I listened to most... SMAP, V6, KinKi Kids, Tackey & Tsubasa, NEWS, Kanjani8, KAT-TUN etc. however at some point I lost interest, I guess the chemistry in the other bands are not the same as in Arashi. Also it's not like it's cheap to be a JE fan!

Most important the songs were not appealing to me anymore.... I listen to them but I didn't really care alot.
I mean SMAP has always been there and just because of their presence I guess I fell for them, then watching Kimutaku's dramas and Goro-chans shows etc.
But to be honest, their singing are not so good, and I think I just lost interest because of that, I still watch their shows and dramas from time to time but that's it.

TOKIO, I have to say, at first I didn't believe they were Johnny's. Their image is so different, not only do they not dance, they actually play instruments, and have ONE main singer - like a band! (if u know what I mean) They are also a bit older and do not have that JE image you can see in most bands! Actually I wish that JE could produce another band similar to Tokio in the future to differentiate the agency.
I usually follow the various members if they act i dramas or movies, and from time to time watched their variety show. I still have no idea who leader Shigeru is, to me he is a mystery! I like Matsu-nii, Yamaguchi and Nagase-kun the most, Taichii is funny and he's a good show host but sometimes he is too much of a father type.

V6, they are amazing when it comes to acrobatic stuff, I mean.. Sakamoto-kun is "old" and he still manage to do stuff like that!! I used to love Okada-kun, die of laughter because of Inocchi and think that Nagano-kun was cute for his age. Their songs were also okay but for somehow they always felt mix, Tonisen vs Kamisen kinda feeling and I guess over time it passed. I went to their concert in Seoul in 2009, I did high-five with all of them as they walked passed my seat! (JE fan dream right!?) Also Inocchi forgot to let go of my hand and dragged me with him as he kept on walking! It was kinda funny when he realized it!

KinKi Kids I do love their voices and I even went to their concert back in 2008, a great memory in life. But them too, they are great singers but Tsuyoshi and Ko-chan are like day and night. And their new songs are not as great as their old ones. So due to that I started to lose interest.

Tackey & Tsubasa, I have always loved that combo, it's like Stupid 1 and Stupid 2 = perfect match.
Also I think Tackey is really handsome and I love watching his dramas.
What I liked about their music was their rocky and flashy style. Their ballads are also okay, but I think Tackey made the perfomance and image perfect! After all he was "jr leader" back in the days.

NEWS, It's a curse not too right? Also I liked Nishikido Ryo, and that's how it started. But also them felt too different, I bought their concert dvd and actually got disappointed and after their second album I kinda stopped listen to them. I only bought the third album because of Nishikido's and Tesshi's solos!! I'd still say that nothing can beat Tesshi's Ai nante version.

As for Kanjani8, that was also because of Nishikido Ryo, and they are funny and I LOVE Kansai dialect.
Their songs are happy for some reason and as I said they are funny on stage too. However, as the speed of light I got tired, although I found interest in Hina, I got tired of them being so loud. Yokoyama especially. Also Subaru distroyed one of my fave songs, I have no idea why, but how can a person that also can sing well, can sing so false!! My ears cried that day.

KAT-TUN, felt rebelious and like a fresh start of another type of Johnny's. But sooner, rather than later.. it clearly showed what the members thought of each other and it me it felt like a lie, Why should I support a group who doesn't even like each other?! And only do this job to earn money.. but clearly show that if possible they would try to over stage another. Then the Akanishi scandal came and well.. it kept on. I think I gave up on KAT-TUN the fastest of all JE groups! These days I from time to time listen to other JE bands songs but Arashi's, with the exception from KAT-TUN! They totally killed my interest, I don't even have 1% left.

Hey Say JUMP!, I think I was too old for them, but because I followed Yabu Kota when he was a junior I thought I had to check them out. I'd still say that they have a lot to learn and Johnny san has divided them too much. Sometimes I wonder if they still exists or not!?

Kis-My-Ft2 - I love Senga-kun but I donno, they do not appeal to me, I used to love them as a jr-band, they were my fave but ever since their debut I haven't looked much into them.

Then the latest.. SexyZone, I'm sorry but I feel kinda sick when I think about it, the youngest was 11 years old! That's a boy, what's sexy about them? some of the members voices still haven't broken out yet.
But then again, time is ticking and I think I will feel the same no matter what JE band debut from now...
I more feel like an aunt watching over them rather than a fan!

However if I could say I'd miss one band in JE then it'd be Tackey & Tsubasa, it feels like they only do stageplays these days...

For a band that never debuted, not sure if I should call them a band but...MA (Musical Academy), the dance unit! I love them. My fave member is Yara Tomoyuki!

Back to the JE band I'm an AVID fan off, Arashi!
I cannot believe I have been a fan for 13 years!!!
I have grown up with them and as I have grown I have seen them grow, I have seen their struggle and now enormous success. I'm so happy for them. And even though they are different persons they really fit together.
Not only do they work well, they like each other and treat each other as friends/family! Those feelings are not something you can make up or force.
I think that's why they have captured my heart, the reason for them being strong is the reason why I still follow them! I know that there are a lot better singers in the world, but their bond as a group is what shines through and what's make them special. They always try to do their best in front of their fans, they are not afraid of showing themselves and through these 13 years I have seen many sides of them.
They also show how life is, you have doubts and are not sure what to do, but you get there, if you believe and stay strong!!

As for now it'll be weird to leave my JE fandom, I have lived with JE for so many years...
I wonder if it will ever come to an end...?

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