Sunday 28 December 2008

another X-mas is over

So here we are again...
another X-mas has passed us by, and how much different was it?

Well.. my X-mas already started on Dec 23.
I had X-mas dinner at Tiffany's house, I got my 2nd X-mas gift. a HELLO KITTY alarmclock..
LOL.. it's so cute and all but I know what my dad will say when he'll see it!!
After dinner we all went out to a X-mas party~
it was fun..met some friends I havent seen for ages...
And we got back at 4am something... and watched DBSK dramas.. I just love Yunho's when there were in Japan..

Woke up at 10.30 am something and just got all my stuff together and went home...
Freezing cold and still a sleep! so when I came home the only thing I did was to take off my clothes and went straight to bed.
In the evening my aunt, uncle, grandma..etc came..
we had a traditional X-mas dinner, talked..and then opened our presents!

Somehow when I think about it..I have gotten old..
I mean what I got was things I need.. such as socks, underwear..etc..
and a new mp3 (bought it in Korea^^), a stereo and a dvd box with a Taiwanese Tv-serie.
and some money...
but the best present of them all was the one from Sayuri.. I got a pair of mittens!!

Dec 25

Slept most of the day (woke up around 2.30pm) since I was up until 6 am watching a Korean drama... watched the whole series..haha!
In the afternoon however we went to my aunt and uncles place. and ate turkey..I think it was! (O__o)
talked a lot to my cousin and her boyfriend~~
and had a good evening!! and we also played some games...! and ate lots of food and cakes...etc

Dec 26.

Me, mum and dad went to Storvik, where we have our cottage,and in the evening we went to one of my uncles houses and had dinner..
and I met my other cousins.. one of them whom I havent seen for a year I think..!!
Also I have to say.. we have ZERO snow in Stockholm.. but in Storvik..we have MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! and it's freezing cold..
and I'm already sick, have been sick for 2 weeks now... kinda like last year but worse!!

So in a way.. my X-mas this year is very similar from the one last year, except from the order, last year we started in Storvik and not Stockholm..
and I missed Kalle Anka on tv..but a part from that..the same!
Same food, same people, same traditions~~
Nothing bad about it's always the same... (^^;)

Today's mood: feeling like throwing up!?
Today's song: all various kinds of X-mas songs
Today's food: trad. Swedish X-mas food

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