In this episode of WGM all couples gathered in the MBC studios!
Jangwoo was the first to come and while looking at the photos he said:
all the photos of us are when we are kissing XD
Sora was second to enter in a very short yet beautiful dress. JW and S realised they are Senior/Junior at University. However they were not able to talk easily. JW also asked if S knew about EunJeong since she is also a student at the same uni. S said she knew but never met her there, they only bumped into each other at the hairdresser.
JW & EJ marriage have been going on for 8 months while Leeteuks and S only passed 3 months. (^^;;)
JW asked S what she thought of her hubbys personality, she said he's the best and that lots are jealous of her.
Then EJ arrived without her "wedding/couple ring" making JW saying
we need to talk later :P
Making EJ replying she did it on purpose. Then small talking..
Suddenly WonJun came with his pony ^^
JW said he had seen WJ at the Gym/Sauna a few times when he went to High School making WJ surprised since he had no idea about it ^^ EJ laughed and said
What in the world were you doing at such place XD
While talking about their time being wedded JW burst out that EJ sounds like an Ajumma when talking, of course making EJ pissed off XD
SoHyun arrived and asked S if she was okay since her head looked heavy ^^ WJ said it looked like her wedding day and they were guests XD
Then SH took off her outer making WJ's eyes go wide open and stumble she should put it back on making EJ and JW die of laughter.
Finally LT arrived to the set :)
LT took over the MC quite fast having the couples to introduce themselves, also LT laughed so much his face went all red.
After the small talk it was time to enter the studio...
Part 1 - Game time :)First off they just talked abit about what was going to happen etc.
Then first showed the best parts in 1 min with each couples starting with JW/EJ couple, ofcourse it was all about their first kiss. Then taking out Peppero, saying the couples could do it live on set. :) Making JW saying he and EJ could demonstrate it for the others XD
After such chance WJ burst out Thank you MBC.. it was the first time he and SH shared a kiss.
LT said since the others did it they also had too.. S looked nervous so LT said that she should leave it up to him and just stand still. However at last S couldnt and bit of her part leaving LT a bit sad.
Then to WJ and SH's minute - truth or dare
Making the couples try it out. However it never snapped making the MCs feel it was boring.. XD
Finally LT was given one on each hand making one of them saying he lied.
As for LT and S moment it was from the SuJu Super Show.
LT stared to mention dating in secret which made S ask if he had done that alot XD
Part two - Romantic part.LT started off singing a song for S. The lyrics were very sweet.. also LT got a bit lost at number 9 XD
JW surprised us by singing in English and WJ sang a song he made himself.
Then SH started off for the girls team and danced to Wonder Girls latest hit. Instead of the cute version SH performed EJ brough a sexy dance.
S performed SNSD's OH making LT to cheer like a crazy fan XD
Part 3 - Truth timeWhile closing their eyes they had to raise their hands when they heard the name of the one they liked the most. at the end SoHyun won the prize! :)
Part 4 - Guess who/truth is out?Friends to the couples arrived and told stories when topics was said open.
first topic Sexy woman.
It was fun to listen too they said some very funny things making many die of laughter.
Later when S called LT oppa for real LT almost died of happiness and almost broke the set XD
I guess we'll see more next week.. there were no preview so ^^