Tuesday 29 December 2015

Children and names

We are surrounded by friends with babies or friends who are having babies and it's fun to hear the names they are thinking of. The other day before sleeping we talked about the future and what we'd name our babies. I was like.. it has to fit both Swedish, English and Korean!!! In other words it won't be easy.

Then we started to make up funny names.
His surname is Kim, and in Korean you say the last name first so...
It all starts with Kim.

1. 김밥 (Kim Bap)
He said: Why not have a boy called Bob in English/Swedish. Then we will name it "Bap / 밥", which means Rice in English. And KimBap in Korean is a seaweed roll (similar to a sushi roll)!

2. 김치국 (Kim Chi Guk)
Begin again with Kim, then adding Chi and Guk.
KimChi I guess most of you know, then Guk is like a soup.. so in other words the name would be.. Kimchi Soup!

3. 김소라 (Kim So Ra)
I said I like to make a twist, I like the name Sora and in Japanese it means sky.
Korean name for Sky is Haneul 하늘 but i find it boring.. Sora is much cuter.
He looked at me like he'd kill me and he said OVER my dead body that my "Korean child" will have a Japanese name XD
I was like.. Not my fault the Japanese word is better..hahahaha

4.김윤이 (Kim Yoon I)
I think 윤 or Yun/Yoon is cute but he said only Kim Yoon is weird.
So I was like Yoon..ehm... then I said why not Yoon-i. The the English/Swedish name would be June. (in Swedish we say Juni)
He was like, as in the month? Me: yeah why not? He was like.. why don't you just call the baby "6th month" then..?
In Korean you don't say January, February, March.. you say First Month, Second Month etc.
I replied and said that you can call the baby April, May or June if it's a girl... Sounds better in English than Swedish but totally possible.

5. 김바보 (Kim Ba Bo)
I sometimes tease my darling and call him stupid. So he said.. why not call the baby Babo in Korean... I was like.. so Idiot in Swedish then?
바보/Babo means stupid/idiot.. but in a cute way.

6. 김미오 (Kim Mi O)
I said I like the name "Mio" for a girl.. he looked at me and said.. as in the Swedish furniture store Mio? Yeah I said.. it's cute
Then he was like: they why not call her Apoteket (Pharmacy in Swedish)
I burst into laughter, it's totally different! You cannot compare those.. Mio is just a name..!!!!!! And it's common here.
Then he also added, Mio also almost sounds like Miwo 미워 in Korean which means Scary.
He was like, the child will be bullied!

I can say that the list became very long.. and it's lucky we not planning to have a baby for quite some time! Otherwise I'd feel sad for the baby's name already XD

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