So here we are again...
another X-mas has passed us by, and how much different was it?
Well.. my X-mas already started on Dec 23.
I had X-mas dinner at Tiffany's house, I got my 2nd X-mas gift. a HELLO KITTY alarmclock..
LOL.. it's so cute and all but I know what my dad will say when he'll see it!!
After dinner we all went out to a X-mas party~
it was fun..met some friends I havent seen for ages...
And we got back at 4am something... and watched DBSK dramas.. I just love Yunho's when there were in Japan..
Woke up at 10.30 am something and just got all my stuff together and went home...
Freezing cold and still a sleep! so when I came home the only thing I did was to take off my clothes and went straight to bed.
In the evening my aunt, uncle, grandma..etc came..
we had a traditional X-mas dinner, talked..and then opened our presents!
Somehow when I think about it..I have gotten old..
I mean what I got was things I need.. such as socks, underwear..etc..
and a new mp3 (bought it in Korea^^), a stereo and a dvd box with a Taiwanese Tv-serie.
and some money...
but the best present of them all was the one from Sayuri.. I got a pair of mittens!!
Dec 25
Slept most of the day (woke up around 2.30pm) since I was up until 6 am watching a Korean drama... watched the whole series..haha!
In the afternoon however we went to my aunt and uncles place. and ate turkey..I think it was! (O__o)
talked a lot to my cousin and her boyfriend~~
and had a good evening!! and we also played some games...! and ate lots of food and cakes...etc
Dec 26.
Me, mum and dad went to Storvik, where we have our cottage,and in the evening we went to one of my uncles houses and had dinner..
and I met my other cousins.. one of them whom I havent seen for a year I think..!!
Also I have to say.. we have ZERO snow in Stockholm.. but in Storvik..we have MORE THAN ENOUGH!!! and it's freezing cold..
and I'm already sick, have been sick for 2 weeks now... kinda like last year but worse!!
So in a way.. my X-mas this year is very similar from the one last year, except from the order, last year we started in Storvik and not Stockholm..
and I missed Kalle Anka on tv..but a part from that..the same!
Same food, same people, same traditions~~
Nothing bad about it's always the same... (^^;)
Today's mood: feeling like throwing up!?
Today's song: all various kinds of X-mas songs
Today's food: trad. Swedish X-mas food
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Monday, 15 December 2008
Better than I thought!!
I have been studying non-stop and my head is spinning!!
North and South Korean history, economy and politics...*yaay*
or maybe not...
However I'm learning a lot and some is really interesting but some are REALLY boring!!!
I have my exam on Friday.. wish me good luck!!
Then I got my results from my exam I did last week...
and I did really well..!!! I thought I was only gonna get a "Pass" but I got a REALLY nice grade!!! (^-^)
So I have to say... I did a lot better than I thought!!
Today I got my X-mas gift from Sayuri... can't wait until Dec24. when I can open it~~
Dec 23 = Christmas dinner with Tiffy and Lisan.. (^_^)
Tomorrow I have to work.. (_ _) but well.. I get some money.. then I have to study~~
My life doesnt sound too fun but.. I guess life is not always supposed to be fun!
Today's mood: snoozing
Today's food: Tonkatsu
Today's song: Dong Bang Shin Ki - non na-e norae
North and South Korean history, economy and politics...*yaay*
or maybe not...
However I'm learning a lot and some is really interesting but some are REALLY boring!!!
I have my exam on Friday.. wish me good luck!!
Then I got my results from my exam I did last week...
and I did really well..!!! I thought I was only gonna get a "Pass" but I got a REALLY nice grade!!! (^-^)
So I have to say... I did a lot better than I thought!!
Today I got my X-mas gift from Sayuri... can't wait until Dec24. when I can open it~~
Dec 23 = Christmas dinner with Tiffy and Lisan.. (^_^)
Tomorrow I have to work.. (_ _) but well.. I get some money.. then I have to study~~
My life doesnt sound too fun but.. I guess life is not always supposed to be fun!
Today's mood: snoozing
Today's food: Tonkatsu
Today's song: Dong Bang Shin Ki - non na-e norae
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Zero motivation~
Tentorna är här, julklappar ska köpas, julbak och allt annat som har med julen står i hallen.
Men ändå så har jag ZERO motivation~~
Jag känner inte för att öppna böckerna överhuvudtaget!
Jag saknar mitt plugg i Korea, där trots att man var som en robot så hade man ändå motivation.
Vilket är tragiskt men kan inte ändra på det.. för man kan ju inte ändra på folks sätt att lära ut, utan man borde då vara större och hitta sitt eget inlärningssätt eller hur!?
Men att ta det ansvaret känner jag inte heller för... Lat som jag är!? *Jag erkänner*
Det här med julklappar är en bra fråga, då folk undrar "Carro vad vill du ha i julklapp?"
När jag va liten började jag redan skriva min önskelista i oktober och den var kanske 3 A4 ark..FRAM och BAK.
Men i år.. kan jag knappt komma på något.. Jag har redan fått en ny mp3..
Så..ja antar att det inte blir så mycket är nöjd ändå.
Extern hårddisk 1TB
Extern hårddisk 1TB
KinKi Kids 39 Phi koncert dvd
KinKi Kids 39 Phi tour Parka (tjocktröja)
Hot Shot (Box 3 & 4)
Honey & Clover (Japansk limited version)
YUI - My short stories (CD+DVD)
Jerry Yan cd's
Div. Arashi prylar~
Ett förstorat foto med Sakurai Sho (som jag kan rama in o ha på väggen)Seriöst... jag har ingen aning!!
Jag köpte det mesta i Korea och Japan... så kan inte komma på så mycket mer, dessutom har både dollarn och yenet gått upp så vill undvika att beställa för mycket saker!
Utöver studierna så sliter jag på jobbet, ett mycket tråkigt jobb men det ger pengar i alla fall, dvs det jag vill ha och behöver!
En bra julbonus.. (^__^)
Hoppas oxå att jag hittar ett nytt jobb..
Det låter inte så skoj men jag ska faktiskt jobba på nyårsdagen... pengar e pengar!
Nästa vecka har jag en till tenta, dvs har ca 600 sidor att läsa på~~
*Someone save me*
Ser fram emot allt som kommer efteråt iaf...
Just nu väntar jag på min julklapp från Sayuri.. my best friend i Korea.. saknar henne.. men vad kan jag göra.. NOTHING!
Jag ska även umgås med Tiff, Lisan, Sandra...o alla andra trevliga människor..
Ska oxå ha ett snack med min kära storebror... dvs slå honom lite och säga att han är en dålig bror som inte hör av sig så ofta som han brukar!! (_ _)
Time to study.. igen.. orden bara snurrar men har inget val!
Önska mig lycka till~~
Dagens humör: deppad!
Dagens låt: 동방신기 - 사랑 안녕 사랑
Dagens låt: 동방신기 - 사랑 안녕 사랑
Dagens mat: Lasange
Dagens bild: 言承旭,桜井翔,王传一
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Jerry talks..
Somehow I should be posting this somewhere else but...hmm.. I make this one anyway..
Jerry talks!!!
In a late interview he was asked alot of questions and seriously..his answers!!!
The #1 Dashing Guy in the Entertainment Circle, how is the Chinese actor like in person? (cred to the translator..)
Jerry Yan a member of Asia’s hot band F4, will be acting the manga inspired ‘Skip Beat’ as Superstar Ren Tsuruga in this Taiwanese and Japanese collaboration.
He said it himself, "There are quite a few similarities between me and the character."
When one sees his seriousness at work and the parts where he makes mistakes, it feels like seeing one’s own laughter.
The most handsome actor in Asia Jerry Yan will be acting as Ren Tsuruga known for his dashing looks and #1 Mr. Dashing in the show.
Yet he expressed, "I don’t think I am handsome. My eyes, nose and mouth are nothing to talk about. I like my fingers the best." (Hmm..well..can't blame him..however I don't think most people look at his hands..I mean I rather look at his handsome
The reporter sighed, ‘Not at all, not at all.’ Seeing his handsome looks up close makes one’s heartbeat quicken and his hairstyle is so perfect.
Jerry Yan one the other hand asked, "Really? I feel that Zai’s blue dyed hair in the concert really looks good. I can’t do that. At times I think I might as well shave it all off."(Jerry, please don’t ever do that whatever you do!!!)
Reporter said, ‘Oh, please don’t do that.’ Seeing his dashing looks, he is not proud nor putting on an act but just the opposite, he is very humble.
Causes One To Stare With Eyes Wide Open
Jerry Yan continued, "Although I am an artiste, I’m neither very eloquent nor clever so all I can do is to work hard. To repay all my fans for their support with my best work. "
I really looking forward to the latest work of this dashing guy as he is so full of confidence about it.
His new album is said to be released next year and I can't wait!!! (0^__^)~~
I'm also looking forward to his new dramas...!! (0^__^)0
I so hope his song 一半(Yi ban) will be on that record..or I'll hunt him down and hit him.. lol!
However it's good to know that something good will come out of 2009!!
Jerry Yan guests on 'Kang Xi Lai Le' ; Xiao S bombards him with relationship questions, Thursday January 16 2009, Taiwan
source: NOWnews
translated by: Sarah @
Jerry Yan is quite stubborn when it comes to going on shows; he refuses to talk about his relationships. Unfortunately, he meets fiery Xiao S and even he can’t do anything about it! In the end, he is forced to admit that he previously lived together with his ex-girlfriend and he also likes to watch romantic A-films, letting this interview sink into a semi-surrender state!
Jerry doesn’t like to talk about relationships; Xiao S insists on looking at his underwear
To promote for upcoming PTS idol drama ‘Starlit’, Jerry went on ‘Kang Xi Lai Le’ for the first time, and he invited his co-stars Terri Kwan and Liu Rui Qi to accompany him, as he was afraid of Xiao S asking him about his relationships. But unexpectedly, on the show, Xiao S releases full firepower, and even his co-stars couldn’t do anything to help him.
Because before the show, Jerry had already expressed that he does not wish to discuss any relationship matter, as soon as filming started, Xiao S asked directly: “Do you want to talk about your relationships, or do you want me to look at your underwear?” Since Jerry did not reply, Xiao S immediately ran to the back of him, and pulled up his clothing, and she even chased Jerry around the studio. In the end, she said: “I saw it! Very normal style, it’s grey boxers, with white elastic belt.”
Jerry reveals he initially lived with his girlfriend; Xiao S knows it was for 2 years
Although she has already seen his underwear, Xiao S is still in a hot pursuit in asking about his relationships. She bombards him with questions: “When was your last relationship? Was she over 170cm in height?” Jerry replied that his last relationship was within a year, but as for her height, he was unwilling to disclose, seems that he is afraid Xiao S will pigeon-hole her as Lin Zhi Ling.
Cai Kang You skillfully asks the guests to guess: “Has Jerry lived together with his girlfriend in the past? How long?” Xiao S guessed “once, for 2 years” and Terri guessed “three times, 2, 4, 1 year” and Jerry answered: “Xiao S is more close.” Xiao S then replied: “I didn’t guess randomly, I know these things.”
Xiao S bombards; Jerry confesses
Xiao S asked Jerry the reason for his last break-up and he revealed that he was “very bad and immature,” so the 2 broke-up naturally. Cai Kang Yong couldn’t help but ask: “So do you still love her now?” Towards this, Jerry refused to answer directly and said: “In the past, we loved each other, definitely will have feelings.”
As the relationships topic drew to a close, Xiao S then asked: “Do you watch A-films, what type do you like to watch?” Jerry did not reply to both, but said that he likes to watch romantic ones; Xiao S then asked: “Will you dare to shower naked infront of a mirror?” Jerry said: “No, because I don’t have any confidence in my body.”
Xiao S: Jerry electrifies someone else’s wife
Cai Kang Yong asked Xiao S: “Have you fantasised about Jerry?” Xiao S expressed that there was once when Jerry went on ‘100% Entertainment’ and he very passionately pinched her face, but then the second time they met, he was like a person who she had just met; felt very unfamiliar. Although Da S and Jerry are quite close, Xiao S feels that Jerry is a person who is sometimes cold, sometimes hot.
However, out of all the male artists that she has interviewed, Xiao S feels that Jerry is the one electrifies her the most, she said impolitely: “When he talks to me, his eyes will keep on electrifying at me, I’m already married, what does he want!”
You go Jerry!!! (^__-)
Jerry Yan for 2009!!! (^__^)
Today's mood: hangover (eating too many books.. finals are coming up)
Today's food: Ricecurry + Chailatte
Today's song: 杨承琳(Rainie Yang) - 带我走 (Dai wo zou - take me away)
Today's photo: 言承旭(Yan Cheng Xu - Jerry Yan)
Jerry talks!!!
In a late interview he was asked alot of questions and seriously..his answers!!!
The #1 Dashing Guy in the Entertainment Circle, how is the Chinese actor like in person? (cred to the translator..)
Jerry Yan a member of Asia’s hot band F4, will be acting the manga inspired ‘Skip Beat’ as Superstar Ren Tsuruga in this Taiwanese and Japanese collaboration.
He said it himself, "There are quite a few similarities between me and the character."
When one sees his seriousness at work and the parts where he makes mistakes, it feels like seeing one’s own laughter.
The most handsome actor in Asia Jerry Yan will be acting as Ren Tsuruga known for his dashing looks and #1 Mr. Dashing in the show.
Yet he expressed, "I don’t think I am handsome. My eyes, nose and mouth are nothing to talk about. I like my fingers the best." (Hmm..well..can't blame him..however I don't think most people look at his hands..I mean I rather look at his handsome
The reporter sighed, ‘Not at all, not at all.’ Seeing his handsome looks up close makes one’s heartbeat quicken and his hairstyle is so perfect.
Jerry Yan one the other hand asked, "Really? I feel that Zai’s blue dyed hair in the concert really looks good. I can’t do that. At times I think I might as well shave it all off."(Jerry, please don’t ever do that whatever you do!!!)
Reporter said, ‘Oh, please don’t do that.’ Seeing his dashing looks, he is not proud nor putting on an act but just the opposite, he is very humble.
Causes One To Stare With Eyes Wide Open
Jerry Yan continued, "Although I am an artiste, I’m neither very eloquent nor clever so all I can do is to work hard. To repay all my fans for their support with my best work. "
I really looking forward to the latest work of this dashing guy as he is so full of confidence about it.
His new album is said to be released next year and I can't wait!!! (0^__^)~~
I'm also looking forward to his new dramas...!! (0^__^)0
I so hope his song 一半(Yi ban) will be on that record..or I'll hunt him down and hit him.. lol!
However it's good to know that something good will come out of 2009!!
Jerry Yan guests on 'Kang Xi Lai Le' ; Xiao S bombards him with relationship questions, Thursday January 16 2009, Taiwan
source: NOWnews
translated by: Sarah @
Jerry Yan is quite stubborn when it comes to going on shows; he refuses to talk about his relationships. Unfortunately, he meets fiery Xiao S and even he can’t do anything about it! In the end, he is forced to admit that he previously lived together with his ex-girlfriend and he also likes to watch romantic A-films, letting this interview sink into a semi-surrender state!
Jerry doesn’t like to talk about relationships; Xiao S insists on looking at his underwear
To promote for upcoming PTS idol drama ‘Starlit’, Jerry went on ‘Kang Xi Lai Le’ for the first time, and he invited his co-stars Terri Kwan and Liu Rui Qi to accompany him, as he was afraid of Xiao S asking him about his relationships. But unexpectedly, on the show, Xiao S releases full firepower, and even his co-stars couldn’t do anything to help him.
Because before the show, Jerry had already expressed that he does not wish to discuss any relationship matter, as soon as filming started, Xiao S asked directly: “Do you want to talk about your relationships, or do you want me to look at your underwear?” Since Jerry did not reply, Xiao S immediately ran to the back of him, and pulled up his clothing, and she even chased Jerry around the studio. In the end, she said: “I saw it! Very normal style, it’s grey boxers, with white elastic belt.”
Jerry reveals he initially lived with his girlfriend; Xiao S knows it was for 2 years
Although she has already seen his underwear, Xiao S is still in a hot pursuit in asking about his relationships. She bombards him with questions: “When was your last relationship? Was she over 170cm in height?” Jerry replied that his last relationship was within a year, but as for her height, he was unwilling to disclose, seems that he is afraid Xiao S will pigeon-hole her as Lin Zhi Ling.
Cai Kang You skillfully asks the guests to guess: “Has Jerry lived together with his girlfriend in the past? How long?” Xiao S guessed “once, for 2 years” and Terri guessed “three times, 2, 4, 1 year” and Jerry answered: “Xiao S is more close.” Xiao S then replied: “I didn’t guess randomly, I know these things.”
Xiao S bombards; Jerry confesses
Xiao S asked Jerry the reason for his last break-up and he revealed that he was “very bad and immature,” so the 2 broke-up naturally. Cai Kang Yong couldn’t help but ask: “So do you still love her now?” Towards this, Jerry refused to answer directly and said: “In the past, we loved each other, definitely will have feelings.”
As the relationships topic drew to a close, Xiao S then asked: “Do you watch A-films, what type do you like to watch?” Jerry did not reply to both, but said that he likes to watch romantic ones; Xiao S then asked: “Will you dare to shower naked infront of a mirror?” Jerry said: “No, because I don’t have any confidence in my body.”
Xiao S: Jerry electrifies someone else’s wife
Cai Kang Yong asked Xiao S: “Have you fantasised about Jerry?” Xiao S expressed that there was once when Jerry went on ‘100% Entertainment’ and he very passionately pinched her face, but then the second time they met, he was like a person who she had just met; felt very unfamiliar. Although Da S and Jerry are quite close, Xiao S feels that Jerry is a person who is sometimes cold, sometimes hot.
However, out of all the male artists that she has interviewed, Xiao S feels that Jerry is the one electrifies her the most, she said impolitely: “When he talks to me, his eyes will keep on electrifying at me, I’m already married, what does he want!”
You go Jerry!!! (^__-)
Jerry Yan for 2009!!! (^__^)
Today's mood: hangover (eating too many books.. finals are coming up)
Today's food: Ricecurry + Chailatte
Today's song: 杨承琳(Rainie Yang) - 带我走 (Dai wo zou - take me away)
Today's photo: 言承旭(Yan Cheng Xu - Jerry Yan)

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