Monday 1 June 2009


Finally we got some real sunshine over here!!
Since Tegomassu cancelled their concert, I decided to go to my cousins house in Linköping for the weekend.
I got there Friday evening and stayed until Sunday afternoon..

Anyway when i arrived we went home, ate SWEDISH strawberries~
They were MAXIMUM YUMMY ^^
and also watched some videotapes from their trip to Paris, and some old ones from when I was 10 years old..haha.. good memories!!
I slept in my cousins bed since she was at a party with her classmates..a sleepover party.. (she is 14yrs) and I loved her bed..and pillow ^^
Woke up quite early.. earlier than my other cousin, it has to be a record! I mean I usually wake up last, and she is always the first one to wake up in that family!! ^^
Had a nice and slow breakfast then got ready and went out with my aunt and uncle..!
My other cousin were dancing with her school in the city center. Really cool and she was good.
However the sun was shining so it must have been difficult, I mean I almost melted away ^^
She was done after 2 hours, and they went home and took a shower, while I stayed in town and did some small shopping..! (^___^)

Somehow it was a lot of things going on, and I tried one of the games they had..
Bicycle 400 meters in 1 min and you can win...
I managed 440 meters.. and I can say I was so tired when i came off the bicycle ^^
but the one who was in charged said I was the fastest so far!! pretty cool..but I needed something to drink, since the sun was burning!
After a while my cousin came back.. fresh ^^
We had lunch in a garden then went to see her little sister.. She was singing with her musicalgroup in the garden (where we also had lunch)

Back home we all were tired from the sunshine and just sat inside playing various boardgames..
then in the evening we had a BBQ outside and later we watched a movie.
However it's kinda interesting.. My uncle and mum are the same.. both falls a sleep while watching movies ^^
Almoste everytime I've watched a movie with my uncle he falls asleep in the middle, same with my mum ^^
I rememeber when I was younger and me and my uncle watched a horror/thriller movie,(My aunt usually does some work and my cousins already went to bed, since they are younger than me) a movie HE WANTED to see..anyway.. in the middle he fell asleep, leaving me alone to watch it!
And he woke up almost at the end and I had to explain what had happened.. ^^
I think that is a family thing...hahaha

Sunday morning, we had breakfast,played some games, packed..
then went to a cafe close to the "river"
we had waffles (^__^)
However after our small lunch it was time for me to head home.. but I almost missed the bus..
I made it with 1 min!!! LOL~~
I blame my uncle..haha ^^
anyway I made it.. and I had a blast~~
Want to go back soon (^___^)

To sum it up.. a GREAT weekend with a lot of SUNSHINE (^___^)

Today's mood: HAPPY
Today's food: Strawberries
Today's song: YUI - Sea

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