Sunday, 18 October 2009

Like we need more H&M stores in Stockholm..!

So last month? or at least I think it was.. the NEW H&M store opened up.
Now we have 3 H&M's within 20 meters from each other...
Sorry~ Is it ok if I laugh a bit?

Seriously they are GIGANTIC and they have the same stuff (mostly, and the things you want are ALWAYS sold out anyway so.. what's the point - really?!)
However the new one also have a home section, with towels, curtains, pillows etc.
I went there today and what can I say... it's huge space for such a small department - I couldn't find a single item that I wanted to buy.. or even felt "ahh, this could be worth buying".
I wonder if it will last?!

I wish we could get some NEW stores... I mean 3 H&Ms on the same street kinda says it!
But then again if a new store would open up it'd probably be a fancy store with HIGH prices!

A new idea for the closed down SOUK mall... open up an IKEA, however only sell "smaller things" that you can carry home... I promise it'd be a success!!

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