Next week it will be out in the cinema in Sweden, I both want and do not want to see it. I guess it's because I've seen the Swedish version (all 3 movies in this series). That's why I think it will be a bit weird, I'd probably compare them. Also to know it's a SWEDISH production to start with, names, places etc then hear it in English will make a difference. Also based on earlier experience it does not always turn out good.
I've also heard that if you know Stockholm and Sweden, as I do since I'm Swedish, you will be a bit disappointed with some the set locations in Stockholm, as they jump around places in the city that's far away from each other and not as close as it will be in the movie. As well as there will be a scene where they are selling cigaretts at a café. (Note: WE DO NOT do it in Sweden!! We are actually kinda strict when it comes to tobacco and alcohol!)
Already when watching the trailer I noticed that they filmed the OUTSIDE of the NEWER underground car, but when filming inside the cars they use the OLDER ones!! I guess they want a certain feeling, however being Swedish and knowing that it looks weird. (Like stepping on to a double decker and film the outside as it drives somewhere, then film the inside from a normal bus)
Also they replaced some other things according to the Swedish newspapers, among that some actors - from Swedish to American/British. for parts that doesn't even matter much. Also having newspapers and stuff in SWEDISH...but non-of them know the langauge XD
One of the scenes.. is filmed at my old office building, maybe the BEST office building in Stockholm!!
Anyway.... I'll update more once I have seen it.. (^^;;)
LONG trailer..
Note: the book/movie is called "Men who hate women" in Swedish..
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