Monday 14 March 2016

How is it possible?

The other week I started an interest for Korean phenom called 먹방(Muk bang). It's basically people who eat A LOT in front of a camera and chat with people. These people also send various stuff which turns into money!
I have known about this for years, it's not like it can be avoided if you know internet sensations from South Korea. But what got me into this was that I read an article about how much these BJs (as they are called) can make in a month!
It's insane, they can make several thousands of dollars for eating on screen.

I started to watch this woman, she's a 100% Korean, looks, style and she can eat!!!
I donno how she can stay this skinny, I get full just by watching her. For me this would be impossible to do. I cannot eat this much!! But I have to admit, it would be fun to try it ONCE.

So to share with all of you who hasn't seen this kind of thing.
Be amazed!!!

She eats 1 portion of spicy seafood noodles, 3 portions of black bean noodles, 2 portions of sweet sour chicken, 3 portions of fried pork in sweet sour sauce. And pickled radish and she drinks milk.

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