Saturday 28 May 2016

Noodles at 옥돔식당

For our first meal in Jeju we stopped for this - Bomal Guksu.
The place is called Okdom Shikdang (옥돔 식당).
Bomal is omphalius rusticus rusticus, which is a species of sea snail. To me at first I said, don't tell me what it really is, I'm gonna eat and see what I think. The place was super popular, in the middle of nowhere to me, but the line just continued to grow.
We waited a long time to get the food, but it was worth the wait. Despite of colour and content it was nice. I recommed this place in Jeju Island, but come early, it gets crowded during lunch time.

Side dishes - kimchi, mung beans and broccoli

Jeju, Seogwipo, Daejeong-up shinyeongno 36-62
제주 서귀포시 대정읍 신영로36번길 62

Opening hours: 11:00~16:00
Closed on Wednesdays

Phone 064-794-8833

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