Why do I waste so much money?? Well I don't think I'm wasting but.. JE totally eats all my money!!
And my bankaccount is not 2 happy..!!! ((And I have to save money now.. for K O R E A ))
And recently I also bought some cd's on Ebay.. and all I can say.. the cd's was CHEAP but the shipping!!!!!Why does it have to be so expensive to send things around the world?
However.. back to JE.. I'm so excited about my new 嵐(Arashi) cd ((The Limited edition sold out in just 3 days on most of the sites on the net!! can't imagine what it will look like in Japan on the releasing day! I'm most excited about the guys solos.. I know which one にの is singing.. but I'm excited about リ一ダ一's solo, since he has the best voice.. and also じゅん and 翔 since they are my fave! April 25.. come my way!!
Why Johnny why? still when he's at it.. why not also release another cd-single.. since he's already having 嵐 release 1 cd - LE and RE.. Concert DVD and Ohno butai-dvd..
I have found a new tv-serie.. it's from Taiwan and it's called 這裡發現愛/Zhe Li Fa Xian Ai - the English title is Wish to see you again
Zaizai, Kingone are starring.. Zaizai is so cute..haha but he's getting old :S
I love the OST.. ie. F4(JVKV) - 在这里等你!! So far ep. 5 is my fave because 阿部力 is in it ^^ it's cool to hear him speaking Mandarin, I'm most used to hear him speak in Japanese.
2day I watched the latest episode of 嵐の宿題くん

And as usual I laughed very much, they always seem to come up with stupied things to do! ^^ 相葉ランド is the best part in the show ^^ and well 相葉ちゃん is the one who comes up with the most stupied things so I guess that's why I love it^^ ((then again he is one the biggest idiots.. said by マツじゅん))

Winter is back!? It has started to snow..and it's freezing!!
WHAT'S happening?? It's supposed to be spring now.. not a Christmas!
And when I speak about winter.. a friend of mine got a call from KBS ((Korean broadcasting system)), in Korea and they asked him some stuff, since they are coming.. they are going to tape the World Cup in figureskating here in Sweden..and my friend told them NOT to bring any winter clothes.. LMAO, ROTF... they much be in a shock now..haha and NEVER trust my friend again!
Today I started a new course.. Korean Art and Literature.. Kinda scary and it was a L O N G lecture! Hearing pieces of Korean litterature from 13th century and not understand more than 5% or even less..!! For about 2 whole hours. ((Subtitle plz))
And I recieved some small gifts from 혜미 through Yasmine.. I was so happy~ I loved the small notebook and the memocard thing ^^ 고마워요!
This morning I also got an email from InKas.. and I have a place to stay this summer while I'll be studying in Korea *yay* and the rent is really cheap!!((compare to a dorm..and I don't need to put up with "stupied dormrules" :D ))
What else.. ohh..yeah I hate CSN!!! they have really F***ed up rules about student grant. I can't change the Korean univ. policy? Really need to find a way to earn some money..((Well I actually got a job but I'm thinking of MORE money than I'll get from that)) I'll try to apply for some scholarships, I found one on 15 000 sek, which would be G R E A T if I get it.
Come to think about Korea and the univ I'll attend.. I'm so fed up with "You know it's a womens university"
YES I do know that.. but 이대(or 이화여자대학교) was the only univ. who offers an intensive korean language course, besides I'm not there to check out guys!! That I can do just by walking around on the streets of Seoul *lol*
So at the moment it seems like I will be in Korea for 3 months!! It's exciting.. and I have already talked to some friends over there.. can't wait to meet them again!! 희정 you better plan a good "Sightseeing in Korea trip"..haha ^^
And Andreas.. we have to eat Baskin and Robbins icecream.. however I hope 혜미 and you haven't eating too much of it ^^
and I'm going to eat way much 떡볶이 and I'll eat real 짜장면! I also look forward to eat 순두부 찌개, 김밥(it's cheap and good as a snack), 김치찌개 and 갈비.
+ I'm working on getting 영웅오빠 to come and visit since haven't been to Korea yet! and was pissed at me last year when I went there without telling him!!
Also while I'm in Korea.. I hope I will be able to attend some concerts, if there are any.. and I hope my fave artists will release cd's etc ^^ Last year I could have attended a 신혜성 concert but I was flying back to Sweden the same day so I couldn't..
When I'm on the Asian theme.. why does all the asian guys, or most of them, have to smoke??
I got this answer from one person: "Well they look so good when they are holding the cigarette".. *%¤/`?=!*.. So?? Do you want him to kill himself in order to look good??
Well well.. tomorrow is a brand new day...
堂本光一 - 愛の十字架-Promise 2U-
F4 - 在这里等你
F4 - 体验
嵐 - サクラサケ
嵐 - Step and Go
絢香 - 手をつなごう
신혜성 - He said
YUI - Laugh away
Crystal Kay - きっと永遠に
동방신기 - Darkness eyes
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