Monday 12 December 2011

I wanna hurry home..

오늘은 빨리 집으로 가고 싶다! 내소포가 스웨덴에 도착했다고 우체국의 홈페이지에 봤어ㅋㅋ
일본에서 온 소포다ㅎㅎ 친구가 내게 보내줬다! 내용이 옷과 과자당ㅎㅎ
근데 오늘은 웁살라에서 반친구들과 공부해햐하는데 빨리 못 갈것 같다ㅠㅠ

I just saw that my parcel from Japan has arrived in Sweden, however since no one is home to collect it I have to go to the postoffice and get it.
I really want to hurry home!! It's my clothes and Kaibutsukun snacks... ^^ However today I have a study day with my classmates so I won't be able to go as fast as I wish!
Can we hurry up?! ^^;;

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