Monday 12 December 2011

We are not on good terms!!

Today started off as a good day but "ended" in a kinda bad way. It's only 5pm-ish and I'm NOT in a good mood.
The Swedish Postal Office have once again made me go crazy.

First today I got messages that I had parcels to collect, so after my day at school I went to the place to collect the first one. However I did not have the id-number but they usually find it anyhow so I went there with high hopes.
However they were really UNpolite and had no answers what to do.
I asked them.. but don't you put the parcels you get by the day they arrive?
Answer: NO we just put them where we can fit them!

So angry I went off to the other post office, only to find they moved so I had to walk another 10 min.
When I got there it was 5 people standing in a small room, looking like a closet. And asked them for my other parcel, their answer: We do not have it!
They had obviously rang my doorbell at 9am this morning. But c'mon.. who do they think is at home at 9am unless you are retired or are out of work?!
They always come around that time and I have no idea why... not a single NORMAL person is at home at that time.
Anyhow the 5 idiots had no idea and no idea when it would arrive, to be honest they didn't even care to look for it which pissed me off even more!

Then when I came home I found a slip that said that the parcel was at the 1st postoffice.. so I decided to go back, so I could collect both, since I had also found the id-number for the first parcel.
I finally got there and handed over the slips.
I got the parcel with the id-number.. however the other one (the one I could find at post office 2) was nowhere to be found.
Then I got even more pissed off and said: How can you send me a slip saying I can come and collet it when it's not here?
The answer I got.. Maybe it's on it's way.
I was like: so it would take the driver to drive a 10 min drive a whole day? what kinda crap is that? I mean he cannot give me a slip saying I can collect it here without dropping it off. Now I have been to two postoffices and it's nowhere to be found ONLY because you deliver on a crappy time!!

Also I have paid EXTRA money just to get it to my door so it's not my job to go around the area like crazy!! It's your job, I've paid you extra to come to me not the other way around!!

The he said: if u have a problem plz call customer services...
And I did, guess what they replied: Welcome to customer services, we are open weekdays 9am - 3pm!!!

So now I'm missing a parcel, a parcel I've been waiting for and paid lots for but have absolutely NO idea where it is!!
Tomorrow morning I'm gonna call them and speak my mind!!!!

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