Wednesday 11 December 2013

Love goods - CHECK

This morning I dragged my mum with me to Tokyo Dome to buy Arashi goods.
We arrived at 7am and it was already lots of people in line.
And just after a few minutes after we had arrived, so had more people!!

In the end we stood in line for 4.5h! Which was totally agreeable, I thought we were gonna stand there for 6 at least!! All stories from online and friends have scared me lol ^^

What i didnt like inside was the different queues we had to go to.
For waku waku gakkou goods you could buy all items when reaching the front but here we had to go to different lines, and in my case for the goods I wanted this time, I had to go through 3.  
Anyway we got what we or i wanted so I'm happy ^^

Shopping bag
Clearfiles group+sho-kun
Bath towel

My mum kinda regrets she didn't buy bath towels for her and dad now...
Kinda late, i do not want to enter the queue again lol

Here's some photos ^^

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