Monday 16 June 2008


日本語を話すか? (Do you speak Japanese?)
Yesterday our guests from Japan arrived, 3 women and 1 man.. all 60+ ((the man is an old friend to mum and dad)) however they behave like 40+ ^__^
However their English isn't the best and my japanese is limited since all japanese I know comes from all the tv-dramas, movies I have watched and the music I have listened 2, however I have realised I know more than I thought.. when they speak slow and so on.. I kinda get 70% of what they are saying..and also since I know little japanese.. they feel more calm and happy and they think I'm great since I understand as much as I do.. :)
Today we went sightseeing, it was kinda fun ^_^ it's always fun to see someone else happy ^__^
Also they all knew all of the artists I like... KinKi Kids, Arashi, YUI, Ayaka..etc.. Sugoi ne?!
They told me that their daughters ((who are 35-40+)) also like some of the artists I like.. like Dong Bang Shin Ki, Kinki kids.. :)
and I told them I really want to see KinKi in September, and since one of them has a daughter who works in the music industy and that she might be able to help me to get a ticket to one of their concerts... *SUGOI~~* I really hope I will be able to get a ticket..!
Also when I go to Japan in September, I'll have a house to stay at while I'm in Tokyo.. at Tatkako's house in CENTRAL Tokyo ^__^
I'll probably stay there for.. 4 days.. :D :D so that I can see Tokyo.. and then I'll go to Yokohama, Chiba, Osaka, Fukuoka...etc..

We recieved loads of presents from our Japanese guests.. loads of booz..haha.. and a REALLY nice ricecooker and we'll also get a that we can make yummy japanese food ^__^

Tomorrow I have to work.. and I miss the lunch at Stadshuskällaren :'(
However I'll get homemade japanese food on Wednesday evening so that's good!!
*私は日本の食糧を大好き~* ((I love Japanese food))

Also.. I have to say.. my life is in a tv-serie at the moment, seriously if you knew what happened during the last weekend..!! I have never had such a drama before...!!
well well.. what can I do.. I try not to care too much!

Thanks to Naomi and Jase, who is also here, they have actually taken over my brothers room ^__^ ~~ I got 2 cd's from them, since they live in HK it's easy for them to get chinese stuff, I got one cd with 林俊杰(JJ Lin) and one with Danson Tang..which I LOVE LOVE LOVE :)

It's a week left until I go to Korea.. I feel excited still there are LOADS to do before I leave..
also Elisabeth is going the same day.. it's going to be exciting ^__^

Today's mood: Happy and excited
Today's song: 嵐 - One Love
Today's photo: 岡田准一, 嵐の宿題くん, 花より男子ファイナル


嵐 大好き… They never fail to make people laugh!

I can't wait for the movie.. 井上真央 + マツじゅん = 本当かわいい

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