Friday 25 November 2011


This morning when I came off the bus, the bus that was late! I still do not understand why.. it's NO TRAFFIC whatsoever in the morning.. anyhow.. I came off and walked down towards the station when I see the underground car coming in.. since it was just about 6am I did not want to miss it and wait another 11 min so I rushed down!
But for what? When I came there and walked between the cars I managed to walk through them all into the front, sit down and read half the newspaper before it started to move!! FML

Then the train today was 6 min late, not that bad but still...the reason was so lame I'm not going to mention it even!

Now in school and it's time for my final class before the weekend! I really really need to sleep alot! I feel..1 week...behind on my sleep XD

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