Saturday 4 February 2012

Snow chaos!

Today when going to the gym it snowed, more it was a snow storm, and the bus didn't seem to arrive for another 15 min so I decided to walk to the gym for a very strange reason! I still wonder why I left the house in the first place XD
Anyway I looked like a snowman and was freezing to death when I finally walked into the gym.
And just because I was pissed at the whole snowy situation I worked out like a maniac! People must have thought I was crazy XD

Afterwards I stopped by the big supermarket to pick up some food, late lunch + food for the weekend!
Then because the bag was heavy I'd thought I'd take the bus back home and dodge the snow storm! I came to the busstop and was happy to see that the bus should arrive within a minute!
However time passed and suddenly 20 min had passed and NO sight of the bus! (3 busses should have had arrived by that time)
So I had no choice to walk home... Freezing to death and tired as XXXX after my work out session!
On the way home I saw a huge traffic jam on the bridge I passed..!!!Never seen anything like it before! About 45 min later than if the bus would have had showed up in time I finally came home!

On the news today they have talked about lots of traffic accidents in many parts of Sweden. Plus there had been no trains or commute trains leaving Stockholm until after lunch, still most of them were delayed or even cancelled! Kinda ironic since this problem occur every year and every time it take us by surprise. Also Stockhom is the capital and there are ONLY 2 ways to get out of Stockholm with train!! The train system really sucks and the tickets cost way more than what they are worth!!
If I could I'd never use them but I have no choice, since train is the easiest way to reach school!! (all the things I wanna complain about the train schdules and prices is another story....)

I hope the snow will stop and that people who drive cars will come to their senses and drive SAFE!! It isn't like we never have snow, when they weather is like this you should take it slow and easy!!!

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