Tuesday 19 June 2012

I'm type O

I don't read these kind of things normally but being around Asians it's difficult to avoid. And lately I got curious to see what it says, since I'm type O - a very normal blood type in Sweden, however being born in Korea (I checked and it's no 3 there...), anyway I googled it up since I wanted to see what they say about my specific blood type. I was surprised that it's a bit different depening on country!!!

It's slowly dying out in Asia these days I think..!? or at least it's not that hype, like it was 4-5 years ago. I remember all the various books and stuff in Korea and Japan!!!

ALSO... I'm not sure you can base character on all people on 4 various blood types.
However that's what many do, also not to forget....Asians do Blood types and Westerns horoscope... ^^;;

So what does it say... according to various websites


Blood Type O is extroverted and stable, and has strong leadership.

Blood Type O, leadership filled with confidence
You have a bright personality and lead others well. Your kind personality doesn’t let you leave people in trouble. You want to make your life dramatic, so people around you might not be so comfortable. Don’t forget there is happiness in ordinary life. You are proud of yourself and don’t like other people’s interruption. You would like to live in your own way, but over-confidence might return to you as a poison. When you fail you will feel in a slump due to your confidence. Take it easy and don’t forget even you might fail.

O형은 외향적이고 안정적이며 리더쉽이 강하다! 지도자 타입이군요.
O형_리더십이 넘치는 자신감 행동력이 있는 당신은 리더십이 강한, 밝은 성격의 자신만만한 사람. 친절한 성격이라 곤란한 처지에 있는 사람을 그냥 지나치지 못한다. 인생을 드라마틱하게 연출하고 싶어 하기 때문에 주위에서는 다소 부담스러워하기도 한다. 평범함 속에 행복이 있다는 것을 잊지 말도록. 프라이드가 높고 타인에게 간섭받는 것을 싫어하기 때문에 자기 마음대로 살고 싶어 하지만 작은 일에 너무 신경 쓰지 않도록 주의하자.지나친 자신감은 나중에 독이 되기도 한다. 실패했을 때 자신감 때문에 심한 슬럼프에 빠질 수 있으니 조금은 여유를 두고, 나도 실패할 수 있다는 것을 염두에 두자.


Type O
People with blood type O people are outgoing, energetic and social. They are the most flexible of the blood types. They easily start up projects but often have trouble following through because they give up easily. They are flighty and not too dependable. O types always say what's on their mind. They value the opinion of others and like to be the center of attention. Also, people with O blood are extremely self-confident.

Type O, the most "average" blood type, is considered the best type in Japan.
O is most compatible with O and AB

Type O "Hot"
Population Roughly 38% of the world is O +ve and 6% O -ve.
Traits Confident and Strong-Willed, Proud, Dedicated, Sociable, Energetic, Extroverted, Frank, Realist, Showy, Flighty, Generalist, Positive, Independent, Risk-Takers, Dislike taking orders, Insecure, Stubborn & Self-Centered.
Make friends easily and go with flow and grasp opportunity. Quick to start a project or chase an idea. Are good at organizing activities. May have short attention span, and expresses strong emotions. May quickly take opposite views that are deep but not always durable. Classic entrepreneurs and movers and shakers.
Express their emotions but can be swayed by other blood types. Have an intrinsic elegance. Sociable and showy. May be good at adapting to circumstances. Words come easily to them. Not self conscious and will frankly reveal inner feelings. Ambitious, but may have issues with detail.
Like to be touch and be touched by others.

Then I also found this..a site from the UK

Personality traits: Ambitious, self-confident, robust

Worst traits: Arrogant, insensitive, vain

People with blood type O are viewed as natural leaders and are often keen athletes. They are outgoing, expressive and passionate. They have an insatiable appetite for success and aren't afraid to take risks or a gamble.

Type O diet: Type O's have the oldest digestive memory tract, so their fast metabolism will benefit from lean meats, poultry and plenty of fish. Type O's are advised to restrict their grain and bread intake.

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