Thursday 16 August 2012

Different breakfast

This morning I had breakfast with F oppa, I haven't seen him since..last April?! As he is working abroad.
Anyway, as usual he was late XD but when ordering breakfast I went for a normal sandwich and coffee, what did oppa get? a pastry!!!! XD

The conversation topic of today!? "What do I wanna be when I get old"
I donno why... but that's all we talked about, it kinda felt like talking to a mentor/parent XD
He got really into giving me advice and feedback on my education so far. In a way it was good too, as I have had some thoughts about upcoming semester in Canada. In the end I emailed the school there and asked them to change a class for me, so I added the Management communication, as oppa also thought would be good for me!

We also talked about life, student life vs working life.
Not that anyone can win over the other, as we did a pro and con for both! So in short... Life sucks!!
Just hope I find a good job and good collegues!

I also offered him to visit me in Canada which sounded nice, then he remembered it was cold there so he kinda rejected the offer XD instead I asked him to go with me to Korea next summer, which he jumped at in a sec ^^ He hasn't been there since 2008, so I guess it's about time ^^

I guess I needed "scolding and advice" conversation, as I normally do not talk about these things with others... also oppa is good at giving advice and is super smart ^^
And even though it was early morning (MY TIME - I'm not a morning person).. I managed to stay alert, what bothered me was the people around us who kept on staring and listen to our conversations!!!!

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