Friday 15 May 2015


This season in Japan, these kind of super wide trousers are popular.
At first I thought they were so so, but after I tried on a few pair I wanted to get them as well.
This pair is from one of my fave stores, Lowrys Farm. From now on you will see a lot of posts with pieces I got from there ^^
I chose beige, they also came in khaki and navy but I had already bought a khaki coloured skirt and similar trousers in navy the previous day so I thought beige would be nice to have mixed colours ^^
They also remind me of Japanese men's working pants XD
Anyway I cannot wait until I can wear them, it's still a bit cold outside.
The cutest feature is the zipper on the back I think ^^

Price ¥ 5,184(税込)

Size info
総丈 64
股上 36
股下 33
ヒップ 120
もも回り 86
裾回り 92

発売日: 2015/04/27
品番: 563933
タイプ: パンツ
サイズ: F
カラー: ベージュ52, カーキ78, ネイビー88
素材: 表地:綿100%
裏地: ポリエステル100%
重さ: 約 370g
原産国: CHINA
You can purchase them here

Pics and info @ Lowrys Farm

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