Saturday 25 July 2015

Craving solved!!

I pass by this place every morning on my way to work. And every time I think this pastry looks delicious. So, two weeks down the road I felt a huge craving. Still had no idea what it was but looked awesome. Yesterday morning I told me bf I had to stop by to get one (although breakfast was served at the office). He wonder what it was and tagged along, he knows by now if I say something looks delicious he wants to eat it too ^^
They also serve breakfast coffee, we got that from there before so well, it became an expensive breakfast consider what it was lol.
So what was this little pastry. To be honest I thought it was more going to be like a fluffy coconut bread, however it was a coconut cookie. My brother would have LOVED this one.
It was good, everything it should be. Yet not my fave kind of cookie. but now I have tasted it.
Worth the money as it was so huge. ^^

Nice Friday pre-breakfast ^^

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