Saturday 20 September 2014

Congrats Sweden!!!

Sweden... well done, really! *being ironic*
Some people should not be able to vote! Reason, they only look at small petty stuff!!!
All the things people are unsatisfied with, were better with our previous government. However the "new" one we just elected tried to blame them, they managed, but the numbers says it all!!!

All facts from Politikfakta

2005: The Social Democrats, in collaboration with the Green Party and the Left
2013: Alliance: Conservatives, the Liberals, the Centre Party and the Christian Democrats

2005: Boom
2013: Recession

Average unemployment
2005: 7.8 percent
2013: 8.0 percent
* Such small number is can't be judged.

Number of persons employed
2005: 4,347,600
2013: 4,704,700

Employment rate (20-64 years)
2005: 78.1%
2013: 79.8%

Youth unemployment (NEET)
2006: 9.3 percent
2013: 7.5 percent

*NEET means "Not in employment, education or training", and describes the percentage of young people aged 15-24 who are not studying or apprentices.

Government debt
2005: 47 per cent of GDP
2013: 36 per cent of GDP

2005: 3 152.7 billion
2013: 3 604.0 billion

Swedish state assets
2005: 2951 billion
2013: 3902 billion

Sweden's emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2)
2005: 53 100 kilotonnes
2012: 45 608 kilotonnes

Number of companies
2005: 838,800
2013: 1,041,057

Tax revenues
2005: 1 358.8 billion
2013: 1 614.0 billion

Share in healthcare queue longer than 90 days
2006: 43 percent
2012: 10 percent

National use of renewable energy sources
2005: 41 percent
2012: 51 percent

Disposable income
2005: 161 800 SEK
2013: 195 800 SEK

All figures are adjusted for inflation.

Sources: Statistics Sweden, the Social Insurance Agency, Economy Facts, SKL, Eurostat, the Swedish Transport Administration, the National Agency and the National Debt Office

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