Sunday 13 November 2011


All countries have their own kind of candy/sweets.
I always try different things out when travelling, all from traditional to
"normal sweets".
Today while cleaning I found packs with sweets I bought in Japan last August. I had totally forgotten about them.. however when eating some I realised how much I like them!!

ぷっちょis the name of the candy.
They are one of my fave candies from Japan! They come in different shapes and flavour. The ones in the big bag pops even more...!!
I love it when it pops in my mouth while eating them (=^0^=)
They come in many different flavour.. I think I like the soda ones best. But it's always fun to try different ones out..
I wish we had these in Sweden, I've never been able to find them in any shop. But then again maybe it's good.. then I have something to long for when I finally go to Japan!
Since these are
- あわわわわぷっちょボールグレープ  - ぷっちょスティックソーダ

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