Sunday 16 March 2014

Things said to or about my adopted daughters

I was kinda surprised and yet not.
Sounds weird right!? But it seems no matter where you go people have the same prejudice now as way back when I was younger.
I grew up in Sweden and I have heard these words too.
Today, I just want to laugh at it because of peoples' ignorance. But back then when I was a child it wasn't always easy.
I also think it's not only me, I think parents too, although mine have never said anything, but probably heard something similar too.

Kim Kelley Wagner uploaded a bunch of photos in an album called "Things said to or about my adopted daughters" onto Facebook and since then the word of mouth has spread.
Although I'm not sure if it will have any effect, I still want to share this to show what both GROWN-ups and Children says out loud without thinking.

It's 2014 now, maybe it's time to move forward!?

You can read more on....
Upworthy article

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