Tuesday 20 May 2014


First time I had Ramen in Japan I heard all people slurping, and being Swedish and all, that's a NO-NO.
So I asked my "uncle" why they were doing that, and he said, that's what you do! It's a custom in Japan.
It also tells other it tastes good! You don't want the noodles to get soggy, and it doesn't burn your mouth while eating!
It sounded good to me, but well, inside I was anxious as we do not slurp in Sweden.

Anyway, I found this video a few days ago, and it seems I'm not the only one!
However ever since that time in Japan, I always slurp my ramen.
Do you know...? There's a different slurp sound for RAMEN and SOBA?! (^^;;)

Anyhow, there's also another hidden reason why you should slurp!
I have to try it next time, just to see if I can sense it!
To find out what it is, take a look at this!!


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