Wednesday 26 November 2014

Haetae’s Honey Butter Chips

In August 2014 the chips were first introduced in S.Korea and it's said to be a highly appreciated snack. And also hard to get according to some sources!
It's not unusual with a sweet snack in Korea but it seems there's something very special with this one!

According to Korea Daily over 5 billion won worth of Honey Butter Chips were sold in October, which is amazing in many ways, one that it's considered a success if its month sales exceed 1 billion won ($929,000).
Also, The Wall Street Journal, reported that accumulated sales until mid-November reached 10.3 billion won ($9.3 million). It's said that Haetae has added night and weekend shifts to raise production by 30 to 40 percent to keep up with the demand!

I hope I can get this when I'm in Korea next month!!

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