Sunday 27 June 2010

land i sorg?!

Yesterday was the last game for South Korea in this world cup.
I have to say that they played well. but not well enough. Park Ji sung and all the other teamplayers showed great team spirit in the 2nd half, I was surprised but well.. I guess they also wanted to be in the 8. but not this time.

Before the game began me and some friends. 12 people went to a restaurant, however all of a sudden the rain fell down upon us and we got wet (T__T)
then we rushed over to the bar where we were gonna watch the game.
After the game I went straight home, lucky enough they had extended the underground time schedule, due to the game. However everyone showed sad faces.

But.. we still have 1 asian team left... J A P A N
They have showed great power, I was surprised that they even made it this far!
I mean they had Holland and Denmark in their group.
Tuesday = Blue shirt on and cheering!! Ganbarre Nippon!!!

Also still no internet access at home (T___T)

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