I talked to my dad and we have decided to go and buy a new phone for me.
Actually I'll pay for it myself, but when it comes to buy electronics I like to have my dad around..
I have already decided which one to buy and all.. but I like the company I guess ^^
I've decided to buy the SAMSUNG GALAXY S 2

So... this weekend I need to go and buy some accessories ^^
I've already found some on Gmarket for a good price!
오늘은 새 스마트폰 살거얌!ㅋㅋ 삼성 갤럭시 S2!ㅎㅎ
아빠랑 만나고 같이 살려고 한다!!
많이 기대하고 있음... 드뎌 갤럭시 s2 내꺼 될거얌ㅋㅋㅋ
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