Sunday 4 March 2012

I'm so lonely

So yesterday my parents left me by myself and took off to our countryhouse.
At first I'd thought it'd be nice then the sad feelings kicked in, I do believe it's because I'm sick and feel terrible.
So what did I do.. besides from sleeping... I cleaned the house, went shopping, since I have to make dinner until they come back XD
And of course study, but to read when being sick is not a good option... and that's my only option.
Then in the evening I saw a movie, the third movie with Gaylord Focker ^^
I was fun but it wasn't as fun as the other two movies... anyway it was nice that I didn't have to read much into it ;)

Today I've been studying and sleeping and tried to empty my nose but it seems to be impossible.. it keeps on running (T_T)

I hope I will get better soon!!
Tomorrow is another study day...

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