Saturday 31 January 2015


I found this and I couldn't resist, it's very simple and just like so many other pieces of clothes I have bought, it fits for many occasions. The pearl necklace can also be taken off, making it fancy or less fancy!? ^^
I chose this beige one and I have bought so many more dark clothes. It's maybe not as visible but it's kinda see through so it's needed to wear something underneath. 
This top is also from The Emporium, and as most of their clothes it comes in 2 sizes. In the end I chose L because well, I liked it a bit more loose as it was a see through colour and I also liked it to be a bit longer.
The pearl necklace is really cute, I love how they mix accessories with the cloth pieces in Asia. It's totally different from what we can find here in Sweden!


Colour: アイボリー

製品寸法 / Size:
38(M):着丈62 B94 袖丈50 肩幅42 付属ビジュー全長19 モチーフ直径1
40(L):着丈66 B98 袖丈54 肩幅46 付属ビジュー全長21 モチーフ直径1

本体:アクリル64 ポリエステル36% 布帛部分:コットン100%

You can purchase it here 2WAYビジュー衿付きニット

Details and pictures @ ジ・エンポリアム

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