Today after my job interview I passed by our main ADIDAS store in Stockholm city, when I finally found a sales person I asked him if they'd sell the new JEREMY SCOTT X 2NE1 Adidas collection aka “JS Collage Wings x 2NE1"
His answer was NO! (reason: because it doesn't belong to the original collection, YEAH I know IT's a SPECIAL WORLDwide edition and that's why I want it!!!)
Actually I wasn't surprised but still quite disappointed. This proves why Swedish people have to go abroad for shopping! Which is a shame for the Swedish market! However most important, they way he, the sales person, said it was with a really bad attitude!! If we'd have had been in th UK, US, Korea, Japan, Australia.. anywhere but Sweden, that man would have had been fired!!! I asked in a very nice manner!! Even other people around starred at him when he gave such answer! I wonder if it has to do with the gray season or he forgot to have his morning coffee!
Anyway.. if I want them I guess I'll have to order them online, I don't want to do it though. The main reason is that I don't know the size I need, I tried a pair today and I had to get a EUR 40!!!! (I normally have 38-39ish)
And it seems Adidas doesn't have a standard size (T_T) So even though that was match it could be different with the new collection!

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