Wednesday 19 October 2011

No feelings!

Poster for the movie

Only a few months has passed since the massacre in Norway.
Already has a low budget movie been made!
The director is Vitaliy Versace and the movie was made in the American city called Youngstown.
A 70 sec old trailer was uploaded on Youtube on Monday and got over 254 000 viewers.
The people of Norway have been furious about this and emailed the director.
The Oslo police also alarmed this and suggested the director to take this down from the website.

After many agry mails it was taken down.
It's said that it was taken down to show consideration and respect for the Norwegian people, victims and their families.

The movie is set to be released in 2012.

My own opinions: How can someone even want to try to make it into a movie and so fast? It happened just a few months ago.
The vicims families and friends are still grieving their loss of their loved ones and do not wish to see it as a fictional movie!!
Sometimes there is no explination for how some people think!!!

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