Monday 24 October 2011

A funny story ^^

Today Kyoko-chan sent me a message asking me if I saw last week's
Of course I did, how could I miss it? (もちろん見てました!嵐大好きだから(笑))

Anyhow then she told me that her mum's comment was read out during the broadcast!!
It's quite amazing, they only read out a few for each member, also there were OVER 261 000 votes!!
Kinda fun too (^0^)

Right now on their official hp they screen the opening CG they showed, however it also says in English: It's only avaliabe to viewers in JAPAN.
But.. I just saw it and I'm currently not located in Japan!! So I wonder what happened there, still happy! I loved the opening. It featured Freeter, Kaibutsu-kun, Nazodi, Jun's stageplay and TSD!! Really awesome staff they have!!

More about the results of the votes etc can be found here:

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