This week there is another group that's a topic! However they are not Korean, they are Japanese.
The group is called FLOWER.
It'ss a Dance and Vocal unit under EXILE's Management Agency.
But after seeing them and all the members what comes into my mind is:
1. Japanese SNSD (because of the number of members)
2. FEMALE version of EXILE!
The members are quite young, all born in 1990's
Only 3 of them are singing, the rest are performers, just like EXILE.
Their first single was released last Wednesday (Oct 12) and title is: Still.
Vocal + performance
鷲尾 伶菜 (Washio Reina) Born 1994
武藤 千春 (Muto Chiharu) Born 1995
市來 杏香 (Ichiki Kyoka) Born 1997
水野 絵梨菜 (Mizuno Erina) Born 1993
中島 美央 (Nakajima Mio) Born 1993
藤井 萩花 (Fujii Shuuka) Born 1994
重留 真波 (Shigetomi Manami) Born 1994
坂東 希 (Bando Nozomi) Born 1997
佐藤 晴美 (Sato Harumi) Born 1995
After seeing their performances on various shows I have to say that they need to practise more, they do not possess the "IT" you need as a performer yet.
However the songs are sweet and I like them. So it will be fun to see how it will turn out for this group.
It's not not other girl groups where all sing and dance. But EXILE have made it far so we'll have to wait and see ^^
Official PV:
Official website: http://www.flower-ldh.jp/
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