We teach Chinese in school and say we are a part of the growing part of the global world!
It sounds so good and because of media people really think they know it all.
Because people travel to China (Mainly big cities like BEIJING) or Japan (same as China..TOKYO) we think we know Asia.
We watch news report on TV from the Middle East and we believe we understand what's going on there!
But how can we judge a 1-2min news report with what's really going on?

Only because we know the chinese market is growing and study their language and travel to their capital we think we know the whole country and their behaviour?
Actually aren't we a bit narrow minded? Do we really see the real thing or only a very very small part?!
I mean, last Thursday there was a HUGE Fashion report in our daily Metro newspaper!
Last week the Japan Fashion week was going on, and in the small paper within the paper didn't even mention it! not even a small ad! NOTHING!
I've see photos, news reports etc from Japanese media and the fashion look as amazing as from New York or Paris Fashion week!
But there was not a single what so ever report on the Japan fashion week!!
Like I've said, I like to go shopping in Asia because their fashion (not all but much of it) are at least 6 months-1 year ahead! They are more similar to London and Paris!!
It's weird, The Nordic countries are much closer...

Why? isn't it quite amazing that people are attracted to music from a country very faraway and they sing in a language I bet only 0,1% understands Korean language!! But to be honest.. Isn't it quite amazing?! Then we can talk about a global world! People show interest in something so faraway from their daily life! Also something that's not easy to find!
Then again K-pop is a part of the Hallyu wave, also K-pop is GREAT ^^
Actually to think about it.. as people in other countries in the world listen to Swedish music (I do not count major Swedish artists..)
Also it's not always easy to get want you want without spending lots of money, we do have spotify, youtube etc. But the more people who want it some other people want money for it!
In the end it's all about money right? and be on the right spot at the right time!
It's also a question regarding demand and wish! We can not have it all... but should'nt we be able to chose what we want? Is it too much to ask for?
Can we really know everything about each other? what's the right info to spread and what's not?
I do believe we, all countries in the world should take a good look at ourselves and think.. Can we really call ourselves global? or how should we define the word global?!
Tomorrow is another day...
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