I was too tired to open the door but my mum was kind enough to do so.
I still wonder why they do not call before they come, or why they always come in the morning, usually my family members are at work or school.. but today we all were a bit late ^^

I'm so happy for all my new stuff, but the most terrible things is that I want even more..
Gmarket is full of wonderful items.. I think I'm going to become a Gmarket shopaholic (^^;;)
Also when I can't go to Korea... Korea comes to me (^0^)
My new school bag.. the design and colour is so cute ^^

Cute leggings

Kaki west

White knee socks + Kaki knee socks

A white blouse

I bought Skyblue ankle socks (the one in the very back, upper left photo)
Time to go to the hairdresser...
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