First it was posted that AU by KDDI took down the CM's with Arashi for their smartphones, however now they are back!! it's all black an white but the boys are more handsome than ever! First part is a bit rock style ^^
For some reason Matsujun looks awesome, so cool, he makes me want to die :P
Can a man be allowed to look so HOT as he does in these CMs?? (^^;;)
Sho-kun's pose as similar to Yatterman made me laugh..also see a bit of his Zero casting, dorky, and small boyish style I'd say! :)
Nino looks a bit bratty, as always ^^
Aiba-chan is cute and typical Aiba-style
And not to forget Riida who shows of many different sides and I really really like it!!
The a new CM from Hitachi was released on the 29th of Sep. With Aiba-chan and Matsujun..
Their expressions are so cute, I love this CM ^^
If that wasn't enough... Matsujun also does CM for Hot Pepper Beauty. it's 20 different CMs, and he is looking right into the camera..kyaaa hotness ^^
These days I for some reason I'm more into Matsujun than my ichiban Sho-kun.. but I can't help myself ^^
+ Matsujun is looking so hot these days, who wouldn't fall for him? (^^;;)
All versions - Nail + Hair
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